Friday, October 17, 2008

Finals Finally Finished

WOW what a stressful week that was! But I got through it and even made a couple of good grades!
I got 101 in Anatomy and Physiology
94 in Swedish Massage
100 in Health and Hygiene (but that one was a freebie so I can't take credit)
88 in Pathology
and 82 in Kinesiology

The last two are going to be graded on a curve, and coolest of the cool, I made the best grade in Path, so my 88 goes to 100. (that was a major shocker for me) ... and though it may not stay true, when she graded my Kin final, my 82 was the highest so far. Either way, it'll go up whether I break the curve in Kin, too, or not. SO I was totally stressing my head off for nothing. Not really nothing, I studied and studied and studied that Kin stuff, but it's HARD to remember all the bones and muscles and where they start and where they end and what they do... ARGH! But DUDES! I'm totally happy with 82! Even if there was no curve.

SO... my first set of finals are down and I survived. (Thanks in part to Excedrine)

AND what did I do when I got home? Dishes and knitting! Pretty soon I'll have a pretty little pair of Socktoberfest Socks to show off. I tried them on my daughter tonight and they aren't nearly as floppy as I thought they'd be, but there is a little growing room, so that's nice anyway. Pictures later.


Chris said...

Way to go girl. So proud of you. It sure is flying. Can't wait to see the socks.

Dreams of Yarn said...

YAY!!!! so glad to hear you made out well! CONGRATS

AmyP said...

Awesomeness of the nth degree! And to reward yourself with the washing - perfect! :D

Epoxy Flooring Richmond said...

Thank yyou for sharing this