Thursday, November 13, 2008

Time Keeps on Slipping Slipping....

I was doing SO much better about posting at least once a week - then that time warp thing that is school/life/etc, etc...

I haven't knit even ONE little stitch since my last post. I have taken some pictures, but they are downstairs. I may be close to hiring a roofer to fix the roof that has been messed up for well, something like a year - NICE going nameless dude that was so gonna do that like forever ago. I know it's off topic, but hey, when we got torrential rains a couple of days ago - water started POURING in through the A/C vent in the ceiling of one of the upstairs rooms. NICE like I said. Anyway, it was a bit distracting.

Enough whining.

So I got a 100 on my Kin quiz today(Thursday)! That's SO much better than how I was doing in Kin last mod. My other grades have come down a bit, just a little, but Kin and Path have gone up. It's that balance thing. Believe it or not, tomorrow is the 1st final for this mod and more finals all next week. One week from today (if you are reading this on Friday - although I am typing it on Thursday) I will be done with TWO mods and one term, with four mods and two terms left. WHOA! At this rate I'll be working in a flash. (which will be super nice)

Another thing about this learning and studying the muscles and how they work and stuff, it sorta makes me want to get in shape. weird

Well, that's all I got for now, I'll try to pop in sometime soonish - hopefully before the end of next week and show some pictures of something interesting. Won't that be special? - 80's SNL blast from the past, I know... but hey, it's all I got at the moment =)


Dreams of Yarn said...

you sound happy! I hope the learning continues to keep you inspired :) Touch base when you can!

Anonymous said...

I'm a bit late, but I hope your test went well.