Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Sunset Spectacular

My brother called me a few evenings ago
and said, "Have you seen the sky? Get your camera
and go quickly!" So I did.

West view? Wow

Every minute, it got more dramatic.

These beams were in the East.

If you looked South, you saw this

Is it just me, or does this look like a pretty painting
of a woman from behind, and a man's head and
torso from the front?

As the light began to fade, the shadows grew larger

The whole thing was too big to fit into one picture

It started to look like a nebula when I zoomed in

Doesn't it just look like you could go through that space
into another world?

I do have knitting to show off, but I just didn't think it would fit with this post. I think this particular sunset deserves it's very own post.

I have my first job interview tomorrow, though. I'm SO excited! Think about me tomorrow - which will probably be today actually, since I'm posting this so late. So... think about me Thursday morning!

I'll probably post again tomorrow - Thursday or Friday - to let y'all know if I totally went uncool and blew it or if I was chill and did good - lol - AND I'll show the knitting. C U then =)


Chris said...

I know you will do good. Best of luck.

Pixiepurls said...

so pretty!@

Miri Mack said...

Those are amazing, April. There is a site I am fond of called atmospheric optics where people submit their pictures of interesting atmospheric phenomena and the authors give explanations. I think these are crepuscular rays with cloud shadows. :-)

Peggy/brogansmomma said...

Those pictures are beautiful. There's something so pure and perfect in them.