Saturday, August 16, 2008

Lions and Tigers and Knitting Content


Can you believe it? Well, it's a very little bit of knitting and very blurry, since I still haven't located the super secret hiding place of my 1/2 ways decent camera - dern it. This picture came from my phone. I may try my OTHER phone, which seems to focus a BIT better - or MAYbe I'll take everything outside to the natural overcast light we have outside..... hrmmmm..... yes I think I will - brb
YAAY! One picture in sorta focus out of about 20!

Sadly, this is about 2 months worth of knitting - maybe more. You know what though? I actually had the urge to knit on the lace shawl/stole from the days of yesteryear! lol I just have to rip back to my life line, do the Russian join, try to recall how to knit lace again and start knittin'. HA! easier typed and imagined than done, I know, but at least I felt the urge, right? That's progress, eh?

Gosh, just one little jaunt into the grass and I have a bug bite - that's Texas for ya, always some hungry critter lying in wait.

On a side point and back to the dark side - what do you do when a person is so practiced at lying that they start to believe their own lies. ( and I'm not talking about my dad this time ) Is it really that they believe it, or is it that they are SO desperate to cover their ..... hush my mouth ....? I've been dealing with this phenomenon for some decade and a halfish, I just don't understand. In my mind, it's all so much better just to rip the band-aid off, take responsibility and move on. Insight, anyone?

Back to knitting. I wonder if knitting one of the little hedgehog projects would bring back my knitting juices? I know a few of you have done this project. And I promised the 4 soon to be 5 year old that I'd make him one. ( I have enough yarn for 2 or three, though, heheheheheee ) hmmmm I actually got excited there for a second. It would be my first felting/fulling ( I still can't bring myself to fully use misnomers! rats ) project. think think think - oh bother - there's a rumbly in my tumbly ( okay, that was lame, but.... we all love Winnie the Pooh, right? )

must get back my knitting jive
must get back my knitting jive
must get back my knitting jive
must get back my knitting jive



Chris said...

Give time time. Your knitting jive will come. And it will seem like yesterday that it wasn't there. You are a busy lady right now and have much to deal with. Hang in there.

Anonymous said...

Can't help with the lying person, sorry! As regards the knitting, you could try setting yourself the task of doing 2 rows per day, regardless of how you feel, and see if that kick-starts the knitting mojo.