Here she is, my very first Fair Isle FO! Can I just say one thing? Thank God for Starbucks! I love Starbucks and the Venti Vanilla Latte and the Venti French Vanilla Capuccino
Between Excedrine Migraine and Starbucks I had the ability to finish this thing. Yeah you guessed it, another one of those pesky headaches. They've been a lot less frequent lately, something about not stressing so much about life in general. However, one gut wrenching therapy session getting down to the nitty gritty and bang, a thousand tears later and a migraine. yaay
Anyway, enough of that. I arrived one hour early to my session and knit one of the two sleeve edgings
I had already done the other.

It doesn't take to tearing out very kindly AT all. That's cool with me, because I don't love tearing out so much either.
So no neck edging, but I don't care. I'm DONE. It looks cute on, too, but I'll share that another day when I don't have a monstrous reason not to take a pic of myself on my chin. seriously monstrous

After I was done with the vest, back to the flower garden to check on things.
Lavender roses are just... so cool.
Oh yeah, it REALLY rained today, so that's actually got water in it.

(they're pretty much screwed come Winter because I'll have to bring them in and they really don't like it indoors)
Sure are pretty though, look close for the rain blobs. (too big for rain drops)

It was nice. For a day that started in pain and still crying it ended very nicely. Smiling and playing with the kids. What would we do without our kiddos?